namaste today
You have probably heard the human expression, "I'm an old soul". That's actually NOT TRUE. Every soul was created at the exact same moment in space/time, and every soul is the exact same spiritual age. Every single one. some souls seem wiser? what makes them different, sensei?ANSWER: Their size. Yep! Some souls are BIGGER than other souls. Not older. Not so much wiser. By "bigger" i mean their consciousness has expanded more than other lazy souls that did nothing but eat, sleep, and F*ck for centuries. True shiFt! The best metaphor is a tree on earth. Every year, the tree gets a little wider and a little taller. (That is of course, if the tree is willing to grow). Human BEings have the choice to grow or not grow. So a human being can live over and over on earth and never expand their consciousness. It's a FREE WILL YOUniverse, and God is really frank about the fact that you can do whatever you f'n want as long as you want to. Otherwise she would not be TRULY giving you free will, now would she? Lifetime after lifetime, the soul signs up for experiences. In each lifetime, we are not really LEARNING. We are actually trying to REMEMBER - -who we really are. Before you are born, God gives you amnesia. As a soul you know everything God knows. You know everything that everyone else knows. But you have not EXPERIENCED this knowledge. The experience of life is the gift of life; Not Knowledge. If you are up on modern quantum mechanics, you know that the YOUniverse is expanding at an increasing rate every day. It's not only getting wider and wider in every direction, it's speeding up! This is known as "the quickening" in spirit world. Now, some souls are expanding WITH the YOUniverse, and some republicans are not. (ta-da-dum!) It's simply one's free-will choice to expand or not! But as one can imagine, if you resist expanding with the YOUniverse, it because harder and harder to resist this force over space/time -- and eventually - - you become victim to spiritual gravity -- or must become 400 pounds to stay stuck. (that's not a jab at obese people - i have already said that I love them and then need lots of hugs -- but I do believe people that over-eat are trying to resist change - and the method f works! For a while anyway) Wait witecki! what does this have to do with twin flames??Going back to my tree metaphor, if a Soul chooses to REMEMBER who they REALLY ARE and experience what they signed-up for lifetime over lifetime. that soul EXPANDS with the YOUnvierse. It becomes BIGGER and BIGGER. Each lifetime, the soul adds a RING on it's 'tree rings'. And because the YOUniverse is expanding in all directions, the soul also becomes TALLER, and BRIGHTER. Now it's important to note, this is ONLY if the soul is channeling LOVE and GOD in their lifetime. If the soul turns its back on Love or God, then the soul gets smaller as the YOUniverse gets bigger. This is the nature of EVIL. (LIVE spelled backwards) The soul is living in the opposite direction of the YOUniverse because they have shut off from source energy. (God/Love). This is why these 'dark' entities become vampires, obsessed with stealing the light from other BEings. They are literally STARVING TO DEATH because of their lazy stubbornness. This is also why the dark occults of the world feast on innocent children. (a gruesome story for another day). Children are God's pure creation and love.
what's god's solution? Split the big soul into two aka twin flamesJust as God is actually both genders, Mother God and Father God - - a "big" soul splits into two because it can't fit into ONE human body. And, a soul cannot leave half of itself behind either, because incarnation does not work like that. Everything on earth is in perfect balance. (at least it starts that way) Now it IS POSSIBLE that one-half of a Twin Flame CAN be in purgatory, while the other half is incarnated on earth. That's different because purgatory is actually A PHYSICAL REALITY also, just of a higher or faster vibration. It's not earth - - - but it's not heaven either. In heaven, the twin-flames reunite and become ONE with ALL. Some twin flames opt to keep half themselves in purgatory, so they can "broadcast" and help their other half of their soul from a birds-eye-view. Some twin flames plan for both to be born, and one to die early so they can achieve the same affect. Every BIG soul has it's own little agenda and plans. By the way, I can SEE these truths in a personal psychic/astrology reading with a client. Other twin flames opt to be BOTH be born on earth for an entire lifetime, at the same time. This is where the FUN begins! Because now you are actually experiencing TWICE the fun on earth from the same soul in HEAVEN! When you go to sleep and dream at night, you return "home" to your UNI-soul. This is why Twin Flames often dream about each other, but may never meet up on earth. They are going "home" each night after a day's work and the two halfs are comparing notes. They don't need to meet - they see each other every night. What's the point? (By the way this is why sleep deprivation will eventually kill you. If you don't go home to synch with your twin flame, the half not sleeping starts to go crazy on earth - the soul is now expanding out of balance)
feeling the love, the pain, the sex - - you name it! In Heaven it's just images with no sound. On earth it is an acid trip - SIRIUSLY! One way to REMEMBER WHO YOU REALLY ARE, is to hook up with your TWIN FLAME while you are on earth. Because it's YOU, in a different body - - you can remember really quickly Who You Really Are. So every few lifetimes or so, the BIG SOULS arranges to meet up with their twin - to accelerate their process of remembrance. But there are DIFFERENT STAGES of this process. In the first lifetime(s) the twin flames meet each other, they are usually ARCH ENEMIES! This is because the Big Soul is SO polarized in the beginning, it literally HATES it's other half. It's so busy trying to be one side or the other, it can not SEE that it is looking at itself in the mirror only from an opposite point of view. So many arch enemies on earth (or nemesis) are in fact, TWIN FLAMES that just started hooking up. What a trip! And so in this early stage, the BIG SOUL is remembering who they really are by observing they are NOT in the given incarnation. Over lifetimes, the big soul begins to make friends with their other-half and SEE that this strange person is actually a LOT like them. A LOT! This is the fascination life-cycle. Usually in these lifetimes, the twin-flame is to be SEEN but not had. So this is the Romeo and Juliet scenario where they TRY to be together, but they keep screwing it up. Or the timing is always off. He's married and she's single. Then she's married and he's single again. They are meant to observe each other but they are not ready to COME TOGETHER, just yet. Let's not forget, the goal is to REMEMBER who you really are. So watching yourself from a distance is a safe way to achieve this goal - even though it can be torture to some. FINALLY - the twin flames each are EXPERIENCED enough to remember who they are - - and RECOGNIZE themselves when they meet each other on earth. This is the ROMANTIC CYCLE -- and by far is the most popular one that people long for. But let me tell you, although pleasurable - - the romantic cycle is not productive. When TWIN FLAMES come together in a romantic cycle, they are SO in love with themselves (each other) that they mostly sit around and have sex their entire lifetime. Nothing much else gets done. (sound good?) Well it certainly is worth writing home to God about - - but your other goals as a UNI-soul don't get accomplished. You just eat, sleep, have babies and F*CK. It's truly a magnificent memory of love (for yourself, really) - - and that's God's point. To learn to LOVE YOURSELF. (not someone else) We already love everyone in heaven 100%. It's the EXPERIENCE of loving ourself that we seek to achieve on earth. BUT WAIT THERE's MORE! After twin-flames do the romantic lifetime (or several - depends how many lifetimes they want pleasure) they come back to be FRIENDS and ALLIES. This is probably the most powerful expression of Twin Flames. This is the ying/yang lifetime where the UNI-soul can experience becoming the Glory of God, incarnate. United as a team of sorts, they have IT ALL. All the talents of the soul at each other's disposal - - and no poppy-cock to slow them down! These are your power-couples such as the Marie and Pierre Curie who discovered Polonium and Radium (all work and little romance), or famous lovers that supported each other - such as John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. (yes i believe they were twin flames - each dieing within years of each other). Or Albert Einstein and his wife, mathematician Mileva Marić. She was the only woman among Albert Einstein's fellow students at the Zurich Polytechnic and was the second woman to finish a full program of study at the Department: Mathematics and Physics. You think it was an accident HE was the thinker and SHE did the math? The UNI-soul's talent was split into TWO.
The story goes that I prayed to the Angels to work with the Angels, and two days later a girl messaged me on Facebook and said "Hi, we got your message? How can we help?" I was shocked beyond belief. My response was any sane person would say "What are you talking about?" lol. She responded back "OH, did you recently pray to the Angels for help?" I could not believe it. Holy ShiFT! I DID just pray not two days prior. OMG - the Angels actually responded to me.. ON FACEBOOK? She tells me that the Angels have asked her to work with me, so she will because she always obeys spirit. (That's funny, I am the same way -- if God tells me to take care of a soul, I do). So we spend week after week in Angel Training where I discovered so much about my soul - - it's too much to write in this story. Finally one day, she comes onto our Skype session looking REALLY UPSET. I asked her, "what's wrong?" She answered: "the Angels have told me something that I am having trouble with" I asked: "Well what is it?" She answered, almost painfully: "They told me you are the love of my life -- but i don't believe it!!" I responded back "What? That can't be!" And she said "I know, right? It must be a mistake!" (we were both in denial) lol Apparently this whole Angel thing was not only to help me understand the divine, but to meet my one, true twin flame. Upon examination, we learned that INDEED this must be true. For one, I loved this girl. I could not explain why. It was SO DEEP and true, and we were just Skyping. I could not tell if it was romantic - cause I love a lot of people - but I loved her so much it was beyond words. Still is as I write this my heart aches. Other clues were that she had the same birthday as my only son, Miles. May 28th. She has the same talents as me. I was a classical musician growing up playing the viola; she was a classically trained opera singer in Vienna. I was a psychic/astrologer. She was an psychic/angel reader. I was a runner and body builder. She was an expert Yoga instructor. The list goes on and on. We had the same sense of humor, the same hair and eye color, the same skin tones, and we liked the same topics of spirituality. It was truly my twin flame incarnate! Her last name was White. My last name was Witecki. She lived in the region of Austria my grandmother was from. I lived in the region of California she wanted to come to. CRAZY! Probably the most convincing aspect, however, was when we fought. OMG, could we argue! I remember the day we had our biggest fight was the day I was convinced she was my twin flame. Because for once, I could NOT WIN THE FIGHT! lol This woman was always one step ahead, and had a brilliant answer for everything I said! OMG! She fought JUST like I did! That's when I knew this was me as a woman - cause i was literally fighting my own talent and LOSING! bwa-hahahaha! One of the things that happens to you when you meet your twin flame is that people get JEALOUS. I had a huge staff of women volunteering for me on Soulgarden.Tv. I made the mistake of trying to bring my twin flame on camera with me - - and every woman on my volunteer team went BIZERK. Literally every staff member turned on me. They called her "evil". Said she was casting spells on them. LoL My best friend ditched me to go do his own thing. It was extremely difficult times. I could not help but wonder if she was my twin flame or my nemesis - because everything i worked for was falling apart, not getting better. She experienced the same in Austria. She could not find work, old lovers were coming back to haunt her, and worst of all we longed to be together.... separated by an ocean and thousands of miles apart. WE eventually met in the united states, but the timing was off .. dOh!She came here to visit, but at the time I was in my craziest personal periods ever. So I think she thought I rejected her when in fact i was just in a nut-phase. I prayed that she understood, but I think we realized that we were beyond the Romance Cycle and this lifetime - - and this lifetime was the Friends and Allies life. It may be ME that thinks that, and she thinks it's still romance waiting for me to "get it". I don't honestly know. I go back and forth. We currently are not talking. But I told her - "baby - I do love you, and I'll see you when we get home to heaven" One thing that we DID accomplish was clear the romantic lifetime we had together. When I was a King in the 5th century, she was my Queen. In fact, we were quite famous back then - both our love and our legacy is still legend today. *wink* We were torn apart in that lifetime - and I had spent years "looking" for my Queen. I think being reunited helped us to move on with this obsession - - at least I could -- and we were able to do a tremendous amount of healing. We still share a telepathic relationship. When I was in the hospital recently, I could feel her working on my body and sending me healing. (God bless her). So the love is intense and even though we aren't speaking, we are allies for life. I feel it.
On the other side of the fence, we have Black Lilith - - our greatest fears possible, potentially realized. This polarity can be felt in the United States national elections. It seems each side sees the other as either HEAVEN or HELL - - whether you are for Hillary or Trump - - it's Black Lilith vs a Trump Pallas / or Black Trump vs a Hillary Palace. (I'm not taking sides here) Mercury is at stepº22 Scorpio. (22º Scorpio). This is a transformative and powerful degree. It means that your MIND (the smart-ass) will come to a quantum conclusion today about which side of the fence you are actually on. (FEAR or HOPE) But the Sun is not the only planet at stepº15 (peace). Pluto is ALSO at stepº15 (15º Capricorn) and Saturn joins the peace-parade at stepº15 Sagittarius. (15º Sagittarius). This is what I call a "Harmonic" in step-step astrology. God/YOUniverse is PUSHING for your beliefs (Saturn in Sagittarius), the final laws (Pluto in Capricorn), and your heart (the sun º15 scorpio) to be peaceful - - in the end. It all comes down to JUPITER really, which is at its home degree of stepº12 Libra. (12 rules Jupiter, so it's a grand-master step). Remember when a planet is at a grand master step, it redefines that planet consciousness. THUS, peoples BELIEFS will CHANGE about what is "Fair" (libra) especially in relationships. Many relationships are ending. Many are beginning. Many Soul Mates and Twin Flames are taking the necessary steps between hope and fear to either separate or find each other. I would say - - if nothing else - people will finally decide who they are going to vote for - - or conclude it. It's going to be a tight race -- but inside of each of us - - we will be absolutely clear on which side we are on. HOPE or FEAR, Pallas or Black Lilith. Choose wisely my friend. Namaste My Friend. Until next time. Live LOVE bE* Sensei Christopher Witecki Sirius*Joy Members: Navigate next to your Daily Pep Talk! rock n' roll gospell!
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About SenseiSensei is a Japanese word that is literally translated as "person before another". The word is also used to show respect to someone who has achieved a certain level of mastery in an art form or other skill.
Sensei Chris Witecki is a Master Astrologer, performing over 10k recorded readings. Christopher began his practice 25 years ago, at the age of 19. Today he has expanded the astrological field with the introduction of "Step Astrology." Christopher's system applies to the degrees of each planet in each sign. (more) TopicsArchives
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